Straż Graniczna Komenda Główna Straży Granicznej Norwegian Financial Mechanism - Archiwum Norweski Mechanizm Finansowy


Archiwum Norweski Mechanizm Finansowy

Norwegian Financial Mechanism


In the frames of the first call for refinance from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism in the area of priority sector „Implementation of Schengen acquis, support of Schengen Action Plans, as well as strengthening the Judiciary”, Transport Management Department of BG Headquarters submitted an Application Form PL0090 “Purchase of transportation equipment for Border Guard” which assumed purchase of approx. 500 vehicles in various versions.The main aim of the Project was to adjust the formation equipment to the Community standards and purchase vehicles which optimize fulfilment of the needs and secure the low exploitation cost.


The choice of equipment was a result of the previous BG experience in the state border protection as well as performed duties, and also the transport needs of BG Regional Units within their respective areas. Moreover, it was assumed to purchase environment friendly vehicles which meet EURO 4 Exhaust Emission Standards. The Project received a positive decision of the donor country (awarded 87.67 out of 100 points). It was regarded as a Project implementing Schengen regulations and increasing security of the national territory and of the Schengen area. The Project was approved with the maximum grant rate of EUR 6.5 million.The purchase of the vehicles has been proceeded in public procurement procedures due to the Public Procurement Act. There have already been purchased 4x2 and 4x4 patrol vehicles, motorcycles of enduro type, ATVs, fuel tankers for distribution and transport of air fuel, buses, minibuses. In this year, there are also planned deliveries of vans for transport of detained individuals and multi-purpose light commercial vehicles.




In connection with obtain the savings was introduced and realized activity no 3 - Purchase of 40 passenger patrol vehicles (description).


Vehicles were transferred to Border Guard organisational units Project promotion.

1) The transportation equipment have been labelled with Norway grant stickers.

2) An article about the equipment and PL0090 Project realization was published in the BG Inner Bulletin

3) 'Kieleckie Echo’ magazine on 09 Sept 2008, published information concerning completion of delivery of fuel tanker dedicated to transportation and distribution of aviation gasoline This information was also available on

4) The BG Headquarters website contain information in both Polish and English about purchase of transportation equipment financed by means of the NFM.

5) On 8 June 2009, in the seat of Nadwislanski BG District Unit there were organised, with presence of the media, solemn delivery of the vehicles.

6) An article about delivery of 4x4 vehicles dedicated to BG was published on


The PL0090 is the biggest Project the Border Guard has purchased means of transport within of.

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