Straż Graniczna Komenda Główna Straży Granicznej ‘Rules and procedures of administrative proceedings with special regard to administrative proceeding conducted towards foreigners’. - News



‘Rules and procedures of administrative proceedings with special regard to administrative proceeding conducted towards foreigners’.

Mariusz Dąbrowski

From 11 to 15 April 2016 the officers of Foreigners’ Affairs Department of the Border Guard Centre for Specialised Training in Luban – BG Lieutenant Colonel Agata Chmura Segedyn and BG Chief Warrant Officer Piotr Kajzerek prepared and carried out a specialised training course on ‘Rules and procedures of administrative proceedings with special regard to administrative proceeding conducted towards foreigners’.

The participants of the training were the border guards from various Border Guard Regional Units as well as representatives of the Office for Foreigners and Regional Government Offices.

During the course participants obtained knowledge and skills allowing them to specify the sources of material and formal administrative law; they analysed the structure of the Code of Administrative Proceedings, familiarised with rules related to administrative proceedings and their importance in relation to conducting proper proceeding.

Border guards learned to distinguish between parties of the proceedings and familiarised with their rights and obligations, as well as the conditions for the exclusion of public bodies and their representatives. During discussions the participants shared with ideas and experiences related to conducting various proceedings – also related to foreigners, conducting and reporting each step of evidencing, as well as the methods of finalising the cases. They learned about delivering notifications and counting time periods and familiarised with conditions and methods of decision control – both in normal and extraordinary procedures.

The practical element was related to conducting evidence proceedings and methods of finalising administrative proceedings, together with issued related to means of litigating. This part was presented by the expert – solicitor Aneta Szyndler. One of the elements discussed during this part was the issue of public official’s responsibility for their decisions.

Judging from the participants remarks after the course – this intensive training will highly improve their competences in terms of conducting administrative proceedings.

The training was co-financed in the frames of Norway Grants project No. 26/ NMF PL 15/14

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